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Return to the incredible dragon-scourged land of Skyrim in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition on PS4. Return to an iconic land of dragons, lords and secret orders as Bethesda's celebrated fifth chapter in the Elder Scrolls PS4® ¥1,815 Mars: Chaos Menace DL専用ゲーム PS4® ¥1,000 30%割引 Spaceland DL専用ゲーム PS4® ¥2,149 ¥1,504 Zombie Army 4: Dead War DL専用ゲーム PS4… Did you like Skyrim on last gen/ PC? You'll love it on consoles finally. After playing this game on PS4 I can't go back to PS3/Xbox 360. I just can't. The graphics are definitely remastered and look damn amazing on PS4/Xbox One. If 2016/10/28 2019/05/05 2020/02/12
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